The Institute of Health Science was established to educate and train postgraduate students on Medicine and Health Sciences under the Administration of Dokuz Eylül University by the Charter on 02 may, 1982 act n-41,16th article/h of the Decree of “Higher Education Institute” (Y.Ö.K.). Since postgraduate education and training regulation was enacted in Official Newspaper no-17976 on 06 October 1982, the study and training program, adapting four former postgraduate students in Faculty of Medicine, has been carried out gradually and intensely so far. Now in our Institute, Departments of Medicine Faculty and Nursing College , Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation College, Institute of Oncology are still carrying out postgraduate education and training studies in accordance with the article 5/c of regulation of organization and procedure of postgraduate education and training Institutes, brought in and enacted in the Official Newspaper no-17976 on 03 March 1983. The Institute of Health Science purposes to give institutional/theoretical and practical education in advanced level to the students studying in Health Departments and to train open-minded Academic staffs that will become nationally and internationally successful. So, the graduation with four students at the beginning has increased rapidly. On the other hand postgraduate programmes under the Institute have increased gradually in parallel with the past years.